Analyzing Trading Volume Trends For Litecoin (LTC) And Market Sentiment

To analyze the amount of Kkeran trading (LTC) and market views, we use Kraken, a reputable encryption exchange, information. We focus on the last 30 days to capture current market conditions.

Analysis of trading volume

Trading is an important indicator of market demand and possible purchase or sales pressure. This way we can analyze the volume trends of Litecoin trading:


Bring Pandas PD

Bring yf yf

Download historical information

Litecoin = yf.ticker (‘LTC’)

Data = litecoin.histors (episode = ’30d’)

Group Day by day to calculate daily volume (trading)

Volume_data = data.groupby (pd.grouper (key = data.index, frequency = «d») [‘close’].

Calculate a number of business trends

Volume_trend = volume_data [‘Volume’]. Rolling (window = 20) .mean ()

Print (volume_trend)


This code calculates the amount of daily Litecoin trading and then to calculate mobility during average trading in 20 days. This can help identify potential trends in purchase or sales pressure.

Analysis of market feeling ###

The market is also an important factor in the analysis of prices and quantities of cryptocurrency. This way we can analyze the views on the market on Litecoin:


Bring Pandas PD

Output Yfinance Download

Textblob Import Blob

Download historical information

Litecoin = yf.ticker (‘LTC’)

Data = litecoin.histors (episode = ’30d’)

Calculate the market for the Library of Textblob Library

DF = Data [‘Close’]. Resance (‘D’). Diameter ()

Sentiment_scores = df.apply

Print your feelings for each day

For i in the area (only (sentiment_scores)):

Print (F «Day {i+1}: {sentiment_scores.iloc [i] .polarity: .2f}»)


This code calculates the average shutdown price within 30 days and then uses the textblobi to analyze the market opinion. The polarity point ranges from -1 (very negative) to 1 (very positive). A high polarity point may significantly indicate purchase or sales pressure.

Example of cases of use

— Volume business orientation analysis can help traders identify potentially supportive or resistive areas in Litecoin price measures.

— A market feeling analysis can give an idea of ​​the psychology of the market and a potential literary catalyst of litecoin prices.

These are the basic examples to start an analysis of volume trends and market views. When you continue to learn more from the cryptom market, you will probably encounter various tools and techniques that can help improve your analytical functions.


27.02.2025 Автор: admin Категория: Интересные факты о цитрусовых 5 Просмотров

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Analyzing Trading Volume Trends For Litecoin (LTC) And Market Sentiment
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