Ethereum: What is the best way to download a «recent» UTXO set snapshot?
Ethereum: Downloading the last UTXO snapshots from Bitcoinj
As a programmer using Bitcoinj to process payments, you probably know the challenges related to the maintenance of the local database of the entire blockchain ethereum. One of the common questions that arises is the method of downloading the «latest» UTXO set, which includes all unsweetened output transactions (UTXOS) from a specific block.
Understanding UTXO sets and time blocking time
In Bitcoin, each block contains many UTXOS. TE UTXO can be divided into two categories: active and inactive. Active UTXOs have a related time marker with them, which indicates when the transaction was created. UTXO inactive do not have the right time stamp.
When downloading the last UTXO shutter, you must consider both the time stamp of each UTXO and whether it is still considered active or inactive. A more simple approach would be to focus on the time marker of each UTXO and filter those that are no longer considered active.
Downloading the last UTXO snapshots from bitcoinj
Bitcoinj, the popular Java library for interaction with Bitcoin Core (BTC) blockchain, does not natively support the last block snapshots. However, we can create a non -standard implementation to achieve our goal.
Here is an example of how you can modify your existing code to download UTXO shutter using Bitcoinj:
Import com.bitcoinj.core.block;
Import com.bitcoinj.core.transaction;
Import com.bitcoinj.core.utxoset;
Public class latestutxosnapshots {
Public static void main (string [] args) throws an exception {
// Configure Bitcoinj with a local Bitcoin Core data catalog
Bitcoincore Bitcoincore = New Bitcoincore (ARGS [0], ARGS [1]);
// initiate UTXO set and transaction for test purposes
Utxoset utxoset = new utxoset ();
Transaction TX = CREATETAnsaction (10, 20);
// Set the block time marker to download the latest shutter (e.g. 100)
Long BloctimeStamp = System.currenttimemillis () - 300,000; // about 3 minutes ago
// Download the latest Utxo Set shutter
While (tx.Getransactions (). size ()> 0) {
Block block = bitcoincore.getblock (blocktimestamp);
Long timeestamp = block.gettxtime ();
if (time marker <150,000l) {// download only transactions before 1.5 minutes ago
for (TX transaction: tx.Getransactions ()) {
if (! utxoset.contains (tx)) {// ignore the inactive utxos
utxoset.addutxo (TX);
BLOCKTIMESTAM = TIME BAND + 150,000L; // Plan your next block download
} otherwise {
// Print the downloaded last snapshot of the UTXO set
System.out.println ("The latest UTXO SET set:");
System.out.println (UTXOSET);
// Create a new transaction with a certain number and number of outputs
Transaction TX = bitcoincore.coreatetransaction (Inputamount, Output);
Return TX;
how it works
This non -standard implementation downloads the latest UTXO shutter, iterative through each transaction on the transaction list. For each active transaction:
- Check if the time marker is less than 1.5 minutes ago (about 3 minutes).
- If it is in this time frame, add a transaction to the UTXO set.
- Plan your next block download, setting «Blocktimestamp» to the current time marker plus 1.5 minutes.