Ethereum: Binance API Error Code 1102, Mandatory parameter ‘timestamp’ was not sent

Binance api early code 1102: mandatory parameter ‘Timestamp’ not sent

Evaluated by a developer work on the formation of automated trade bots. One of the most common code is the best code for Linux servers. In this article we deal with the way your experience was different and provide instructions for the resool.

The error code 1102 error

Formerly code 1102 occur typical due to the lack of the lack of the required parameter in your API requirement. The specific reason for this event, depending on the other functions or the end points. However, there is a usual cause that concerns many Binance API suggestions: the obligatory parameter «Timestamp» is not a cent.

What is the schedule necessary?

The Timestampu parameter is served as a clear API proposal for license plates. It helps to identify and follow the requirements of your application that carry out the processed correct processed process and prevent electricity problems with double or malicious inquiries.

Frequent causes from the error code 1102 is a Binance -api **

Wheat restrictions in the equivalent code 1102, it is ready to restore a restoration in the required parameters that are cent. Here is a single municipality:

  • Mining Time stamp parameter : This is a must for the receipt of various code 1102.

  • False requirement format : Make sure that your API requirement fled you, including all the necessary parameter,dis, params` and angy required frece or options.

  • Check paramer : Double that all parameters are integrated in your request, including options that «restrict» or «secret».

Dissolving edition Eror -Code 1102 is not a Binance -Api

To fix the upright code 1102, follow the following steps:

  • Check your requirement format : Make sure that your API request corresponds to the specified format.

  • Double test parameters from Currins : Make sure that all the necessary parameters are included, and the adaptation of the expected type (e.g. «Timestamp» is a Unix Tame stamp).

  • Check whether unwilling parameters Check your request to be present all the necessary parameters.

I will use ccxt instaD off binance api?

While the Binance API offers, the Bony API offers an extensive delivery function. The designed specific for the cryptocurrency trade and the offers of additionality Beyodon with what the official Binance -API is available.

With CCXT you can:

  • Execute multiplier organs in a single request

  • Use custom functions and macros

  • Integrate all libraries or frameworks

However, stay in the middle of the middle that the use of libraries from third -party providers can introduce addioncies and potential security risk risk if they are not used. I will thoroughly research every library that you have selected and evaluate your compatibility with your project.


The Binance Apise Air is a state-of-the-art or false «Timetamp parameter» in its recommendations. You will fix this output by checking your requirement format, the double review parameter currencies and the review of unsurpassed parameters. If you use CCXT, make sure it is integrated into your project and evaluate


  • Check the Binance -API documentary for outdated or distant functions that may cause problems.

  • Check the CCXT documentation, which is relevant for your specific lightness.

  • Consider the implementation of a robust test strategy that corresponds to 1102 before you provide your application for the project.


09.02.2025 Автор: admin Категория: CRYPTOCURRENCY 9 Просмотров

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Ethereum: Binance API Error Code 1102, Mandatory parameter ‘timestamp’ was not sent
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