Metamask: Ethers.js provider error: non-configurable property ‘»provider»‘

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Metamk Ethers.js Provider Error: Non -configured property “provider”

When Metamk uses as an Ethereum supplier with Vue Pinia for developing, there may be several errors. One common question is when the EtherProvider configuration is not properly established, so creating the creation of Ethers signator and provider objects.

Question: Non -configured property “provider”

The error message indicates that the Etherprovider object contains a non -configured property called «provider». This is probably due to how Metamk configures its provider when used with Vue Pinia.


To solve this problem, do the following:

1. View your Metamask Configuration

Make sure your MetamK configuration is properly set and corresponds to the intended format. Check that the Metamk.json file does not contain any information or discrepancies provider.

2. Check the Etherprovider configuration

Make sure you have properly configured Etherrovider using your Pinia.config.js file at your Vue Pinia store:


import {definepinia} from Pinia;

Imported Etherrrovider from ‘@Metamask/detect-eterum-provider’;

Definepinia ({{{

Modules: {{{

Providers: [the new Ethersprovider ({{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{

Provider: ‘

Network: Mainnet, // or WSS for Websockets

Accounts: [‘Your Accounts’], // Accounts to use to use





3. Check the provider’s configuration Vue Pinia

Check that you have been properly configured by the Etherrrovider at your Vue Pinia store:


Import {usepinia} from ‘Vue-Pinia’;

CONST MYSTORE = Usepinia ();


CONST providerconfig = {

Provider: ‘

Network: Mainnet, // or WSS for Websockets

Accounts: [‘Your Accounts’], // Accounts to use to use


Return new Etherrrovider ({… Providerconfig});




4. Update the Vue program

Update your Vue app to properly import Etherrrovider and use it in your store:


import {createApp} from Vue;

import Vuepinia from Vue-Pinia;

Import Etherrrovider from ‘@Metamask/detect-eterum-provider’;

CONST App = CreateApp ({{{{{{

// …

Shops: {{{

MYSTORE: New Piniamistore (),



app.use (Ethersprovider, (Pinia) => Pinia.use (Mistoreprovider));


5. Try your program

After upgrading your Vue program to use Ethersprovider and properly configure the store, try your app in the development environment.


By performing these steps, you should be able to solve an unonnaphged property error in creating Ethers signing and provider’s objects in your Vue Pinia store. Make sure your MetamK configuration corresponds to the intended format and check that you have properly configured Etherprovider at your Vue Pinia store. Happy coding!

08.02.2025 Автор: admin Категория: CRYPTOCURRENCY 5 Просмотров

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Metamask: Ethers.js provider error: non-configurable property ‘»provider»‘
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