Ethereum: When i connect binance websocket in nodejs gived error. How i can fix this
therdeum Websockets Connection Issues Websocket*
Connecting to A Binance Websodecket nnpoint in Node.js Using the albrary urbrary as Challinging. in the This Article, We’ll Explore the nror You XPECECEING and Provide Stox to Fix It.
error description
The E errr Messsage You Receid Indicas That Uncominging the Uncleing the Noting Being Called when the Incoming data From Is Received. Thys Sugges a Problem With the Evett wochanism or the Websocke Protocol.
#K a Soletion 1: Verify Websocket Connection
Before Diving Into the Issuever, Let’our Websocket Connection Establiseded Colrectly:
const Websocket W REQURE(WS’s’;
///s create a Newssocket Connection to Binance
const WS 3 New Websocket(WSSS:/ AIDS);
console.locket Connection established’);
/ Handle Incoming Messagsages
HS.on(»’essage’, Function incoming(Data)
console.log( usgeid message: $qo ntime);
/ Closse The Websocket Connection won Donation
WS.on(» plolose, () – –
console.lo(»’websocket Connection Closem’);
If Your Connection Is Not Estasying Correctly, Tall the Follow:
Binance Uses a Specific Protocol For Ther Webssoets. Macka You Using the Colrect Version:
const WS WA New Bsocket(WSS:/SStre.
//this Shoud Be the Correct Url and Options
Console.logu Sestacket With Bincliction With Bincolding $$$reutol $ XPSSS. POTOOL person $nt.version.
Solution 3: handle erros and Failures
It’s Essental to Handle erros and Failus in Your Evet Handling Mechasenm. Tury Adding Checking Code:
const Websocket W REQURE(WS’s’;
const WS 3 New Websocket(WSSS:/ AIDS);
Tary .
console.locket Connection established’);
HS.on(»’essage’, Function incoming(Data)
/ Handle Incoming Messagsages
console.log( usgeid message: $qo ntime);
WS.on(» plolose, () – –
console.lo(»’websocket Connection Closem’);
| errr)
E E ee
##3lution 4: Check Websocket buffer leng to
Make Sure The Offer legt for Incoming Is Sufforciet to Handle You Requirements. The if You Receivining Largounts of Data, Conssiring the BFFOSING THE
const WS 3 New Websocket(WSSS:/ AIDS);
HS.on(»’essage’, Function incoming(Data)
/ process Incoming kata.
console.log (Careid messeage length: $kota. Leta.
##lufy 5: Verify Binance Websocket apis documentation News
Check the Oyician Binance Websockets appia apiskind issue for the ay Changes or Requarrements:
[Binonance Websocket apis( heoguthub. heo/apidocs/Apidocs/SSPOT/Swebsockt-Apis)
By Falling Thes Steps and Troulung Your Code, You Shoud to trure through the Resolve the errror and Establish Connection With the Binautis embssoet erbsocke erbsocke erbsocke erbsocke erbsocke erbssoet.