Metamask: Using Ethersjs to Connect Metamask to Local Hardhat Node Provider

Here is an article on the use of Ethers.js to combine Metamask with a local Hardhat node supplier:

Connecting a metamas with a local supplier of Hardhat nodes with Ethers.js

When developing decentralized applications (DAPPs), which require interaction with external services such as Metamask or Web3 suppliers, it is key to connecting them to the local Hardhat node. In this article, we will examine how to use Ethers.js to achieve this connection.

Why use Ethers.js?

Ethers.js is the official JavaScript library to interact with blockchain Ethereum. It provides a simple and intuitive API interface to work with Web3 suppliers, such as Metamask, Web3.js and many others. By using Ethers.js, you can easily connect the local Hardhat node with external services, without worrying about configuring additional infrastructure or configuration.

Configuring the local Hardhat node

Before you immerse ourselves in a metamask combination, make sure that the local Hardhat node is properly configured. Here is a short overview of the steps:

  • Install the «Truffle» framework: Truffle provides managing and interaction with blockchain projects using JavaScript.

  • Configure the new project catalog and initiate it:


Mkdir Metamask-Connection-Examample


Npx truffle inteit

  • Create a new contract file (e.g. «Mycontract.sol) in the project catalog:


Pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

Mycontract contract {

Uint256 public value;


  • Compile and implement the contract:


Compile truffle

Implementation of truffles

Connecting Metamask with Ethers.js

Now, when you have a local Hardhat local node, let’s connect a metamask using ethers.js. We will use the «Ethers.js» library to interact with Metamask.

Create a new file called Metamask-Connection.js and add the following code:


Const Ethers = requires ("ether");

// set the address of the contract and ABI

constadddress = '0x ...'; // replace the contract address

Const abi = [...]; // Replace ABI contracts

// Create a new instance of the ETHERS supplier for the local Hardhat node

Const provider = new ethers.providers.httpprovider ('http: // localhost: 8545');

// Create a new instance of the Ethers.js portfolio using the Metamask supplier

Const portfolio = new ethers.wallet (supplier, "0x ..."); // Look for a private metamask

// get a contract instance using a wallet

Const Contractinstance = New Ethers.Contract (Contractdress, ABI, wallet);

// Now you can use a contract instance to interact with blockchain

Contractintance.value.set (123);

Example use

Here is an example of how you can use a metamask connection to set the value on the contract:



By assuming that you have a MyContract.sol file in the same directory, you can cause the following function to update the instance of the contract:


setvalue = (value) => {

Contractintance.value.set (value);


Tips and variants

  • Remember to replace the «contract» variables, ab i`wallet ‘with your actual contract address, ABI and Metamask with a private key.

  • You can also use other Ethers.JS suppliers, such as http: // localhost: 8546 or ‘https: //`.

  • If you use another WEB3 supplier (e.g. WEB3.JS), you must properly adjust the connection code.

By following these steps and examples, you should now be able to connect the local Hardhat node with Metamask with Ethers.js. Happy building!

Fundamental Hardware Decentralised Finance

09.02.2025 Автор: admin Категория: CRYPTOCURRENCY 4 Просмотров

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Metamask: Using Ethersjs to Connect Metamask to Local Hardhat Node Provider
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